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Do eCommerce Sites Need SEO and PPC?

If you're starting an e-commerce business, you've probably wondered how to get traffic to your site. And after doing your due diligence, you've asked yourself if you need SEO and PPC advertising? Short answer is yes. Read on to learn which kind is right for you. 

Why SEO?

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a system of honing a website to better serve the person searching for something. It focuses on a steady growth of organic traffic. This technique mostly means improving the website to be more user-friendly, relevant, and most importantly useful. 

The organic results on a search engine result page do not get there by paying money to google. Which means it is technically free. This is nice if you've taken the time to build up to that point because that traffic won't cost anything to you, and will bring many paying customers. The problem with this is it does take time and legwork. This is where PPC comes in.

Why PPC?

Pay Per Click (PPC) is a marketing structure that involves a business paying each time a user clicks on their online ads. This covers many different kinds of PPC ads, but the lion's share of PPC are paid search ads. Social media platforms often provide paid ad options. 

PPC is much like a water faucet. Because you're paying for the ads, once you turn off the faucet (PPC campaign), the water (traffic) stops flowing. If your small e-commerce site is still just a seed in a pot, this is just what it needs to grow.

PPC is often a great way to jump-start a business. It allows for building brand awareness and credibility. This is the key necessity for successful ecommerce sites. In today's age of e-commerce, brand reputation is everything. 

If nobody has ever heard of you before, they're much less likely to buy from you. Think of that green gecko selling insurance, or "it's my money and I need it now". Every company that wants to be successful has to get their name seen to bring in customers.

Why Not Both?

A very popular strategy is a hybrid approach. By concentrating on PPC early, and fixing up SEO problems on your site little by little, you'll enjoy the benefits of both. This way you won't have to buy PPC ad space forever, and your SEO work will pick up the slack in the long run.

As your site progresses, the trick will be balancing the two strategies. This is where ESSEO Digital can help you. We can assess your site's traffic performance and implement the right mix of these strategies, custom fit for you. We are well-practiced in the field of digital marketing and have helped countless businesses grow into prosperity. 

Contact us to get started.